If you build it, they will come... Every library is an extension of the community around it. The VMCCA Media Center was created with that in mind. Physically, the space is open, inviting, & comfortable, so as to welcome staff & students, alike. The collection foundation supports academic success, and continues to be built around the student choice & relevance of materials. Areas around the Media Center are mobile, making it functional on multiple levels, with the ability to adapt to the needs of those utilizing the space.
If you work together, you can accomplish anything... The space may be beautiful, but without relationships, it is just empty space. At the VMCCA Media Center, I work closely with students, staff, parents, & community stakeholders to insure that we are not only consumers of knowledge, but creators of it, as well. Students know that this is a place where they can ask questions, find answers, generate even better questions, and build a knowledge base that leads to discovery & invention. Students are active participants in building our school culture.