1. How can I find databases in NC WiseOwl? Go to this web address: If you are at school, you should be able to search right away. If you are at home, you will have to use the password given to you at school.
2. What is the password for NC WiseOwl? The password information was given out at school. If you have forgotten it, try contacting Ms. Ray at her email address: [email protected].
3. What can I do when the classroom link to specific databases stops working? You should be able to use the NC WiseOwl address above, and navigate towards the database you are looking for.
4. Where can I find the citation information? In most of the databases, on the right hand side of the article you will see several options. Choose “Cite”, and a list of citation formats for your article should appear. Choose the correct one for you, copy and paste it into your document. If you are using Student Research Center, you will have to click the “Save” button, and then fill in the circles for the type of citation format you want. Once you have filled in the bubble, you click “Save”, and then the citation format will appear on that next page.
5. How can I access WebPath Express? If the link on Media Center website (or teacher page) is not working, or is asking for a “District ID”, then just type in this address: Once you have done this, and when you are in the catalog, look on the left hand side, and choose “WebPath Express” from the list there.
6. Where can I go for more citation help? On the homepage, please scroll down to the “Citation Tools” link found there. Citation Builder is a great way to fill in and cite books or websites not found in our own databases. If you want tutorial type help citing within your paper, OWL@Purdue is also a great resource for you.
2. What is the password for NC WiseOwl? The password information was given out at school. If you have forgotten it, try contacting Ms. Ray at her email address: [email protected].
3. What can I do when the classroom link to specific databases stops working? You should be able to use the NC WiseOwl address above, and navigate towards the database you are looking for.
4. Where can I find the citation information? In most of the databases, on the right hand side of the article you will see several options. Choose “Cite”, and a list of citation formats for your article should appear. Choose the correct one for you, copy and paste it into your document. If you are using Student Research Center, you will have to click the “Save” button, and then fill in the circles for the type of citation format you want. Once you have filled in the bubble, you click “Save”, and then the citation format will appear on that next page.
5. How can I access WebPath Express? If the link on Media Center website (or teacher page) is not working, or is asking for a “District ID”, then just type in this address: Once you have done this, and when you are in the catalog, look on the left hand side, and choose “WebPath Express” from the list there.
6. Where can I go for more citation help? On the homepage, please scroll down to the “Citation Tools” link found there. Citation Builder is a great way to fill in and cite books or websites not found in our own databases. If you want tutorial type help citing within your paper, OWL@Purdue is also a great resource for you.